Minority Cell


(Major) L.Ravisankar - Principal


Mrs.A.Sharmila Begum - Assistant Professor of Commerce

Dr.D.Wilfin John - Assistant Professor of English

About the Cell

The Minority Cell of the College has been established to empower the students of Minority communities. Since the College has a significant percentage of students from the Minority- Christian and Muslim communities, the minority cell is functioning to take care of their special requirements.

Objectives of the Cell

The minority cell functions with the following specific objectives.

  1. To ensure equal opportunities for the education of Minorities.
  2. To facilitate financial support for the students of Minority Communities from the Central and State Governments and also from other funding agencies.
  3. To organize career orientation programmes for the students of Minority Community.

Scope of the Cell

The Minority Cell is instrumental in providing assistance to the students of minority communities through counseling, career guidance, Training Programmes etc. The Cell will make available additional books or learning materials for improving the learning skills of minority students. The Cell organizes special programmes such as coaching for entry into service, coaching for NET-SET examination and also programmes for personality development for empowering the Minority students.