Department of maths

Faculty Members

Mrs.U.Esakkiammal,M.Sc.,B,Ed.,M.Phil.,Asst.Professor & Head

Dr.T.Piramatchi,M.Sc.,Ph.D., SET., Asst.Professor

Dr.M.Selvaloganayagi, M.Sc.,Ph.D., Asst.Professor

The objectives of the Department 

To provide strong Mathematical background to Engineering Graduates to cope up with the needs of emerging technology at National and International levels.

  • To provide strong mathematical foundation, analytical and computational skills and abstract understanding to young post graduate Mathematics students which enable them to handle any industrial and research problems.

  • To promote high quality research in pure and applied Mathematics in the diversified areas thereby creating opportunities for the young researchers to contribute significantly in the frontier areas of Mathematics.

  • To provide good ambience for the faculty members to enhance interdisciplinary and advanced research through effective collaborations across the globe.

  • To enhance the computational facilities to suit the needs of faculty members and research scholars working on research areas such as CFD, Applied Probability & Statistics, Complex Analysis & Fuzzy Logic and Graph Algorithm.

  • To provide basic and advanced skills to students in Computer Science & Information Technology enabling self-reliance and excellence in capabilities.

  • To enable students to play vital roles in the fields of Computer Science and Mathematics at the local level and to remain globally competitive.

  • To create computer software and mathematical modeling to cater to the growing needs of Industries/Research establishments.

  • To undertake significant research projects individually and in collaboration with other Departments / Institutions / Industries.

  • To popularize and project in proper perspective the scope of Mathematics and Computer Science so as to attract young talents to take up teaching and research career in Computer and Mathematical Sciences.

  • Those pursuing careers in teaching will need to prepare their own students to meet the challenges of this changing world. We believe that the best way to prepare for the future is to develop a foundation from which the students can build careers in many directions, gain some experience with how a specialty is built on those foundations, and learn to use the most up-to-date tools.

    Our faculty research interests involve various research fields in mathematics mainly, Algebra, Analysis, Differential equations, Stochastic process, Neural network, Fuzzy mathematics, Graph theory, etc.,. Many of our faculties have obtained international recognition for their research.